Monday, March 1, 2010

New Immigration Rules for Tier 4: Students and their Dependants

The UK government has announced plans to make the following changes in the student visa system (these new rules will be introduced on 3 March 2010):
- students must show that they have reached a higher minimum level of English before coming to the UK (at present beginners can be accepted, in future the minimum level will be intermediate)
- students who are studying at below university degree level will only be able to work for up to 10 hours per week during termtime (at present they can work up to 20 hours)
- students taking a course of less than 6 months will not be able to bring dependents to the UK
- students taking a course of over 6 months at below university degree level will be able to bring dependents, but these dependents will not be allowed to work in the UK
- students can only study a course below university degree level at a school which is on a new list called the Highly Trusted.
Note: From 22 February 2010, any student who applies to extend a UK student visa by post or at a public enquiry office (under Tier 4 of the points-based system) must possess a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) from their prospective school. You will not be able to apply under Tier 4 using a visa letter from that date, even if the visa letter was issued before 22 February 2010There are two types of student visa under the Tier 4 rules:
Adult Student [Tier 4 (General) Student]
- For full-time study (usually at least 15 hours per week of classes)
- If the study is for a qualification which is lower than a university degree, the maximum visa length is 3 years
- If the study is for a university degree or higher qualification, the maximum visa length is 4 years
- If you have this type of visa you can work part-time during term (a maximum of 20 hours per week) and full-time during your school's official holidays
- You may be able to switch into a Tier 1 (highly skilled) or Tier 2 (skilled worker) visa at the end of your studies
Child Student [Tier 4 (Child) Student]
- For students under 18 [details are not shown here]
There are also two other types of visa which may be obtained by people who wish to study in the UK, but which are not covered by the Tier 4 rules:
Student Visitor
- You can come to study in the UK for a maximum of 6 months
- Your stay in the UK cannot be extended
- No work (whether paid or unpaid) is allowed
- You may be able to apply for this visa at the airport/port where you enter the UK, but it depends on your nationality (check first with the British embassy in your country)
Prospective Student
- You need to apply for this visa before coming to the UK
- You will be given a maximum of 6 months to choose between schools which have offered places to you
- No work (whether paid or unpaid) is allowed
- You may be able to switch to a General Student visa after you have chosen your school and have obtained your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)